A Message from Inspiredu CEO

 Our commitment to Education Equity

Racial and social Inequity is not a new issue that is plaguing out society, but it is an issue that is very much still in need of addressing. However, the recent violence captured towards the black community in addition to the social and economic disruption caused by the global pandemic has magnified an already complex and emotionally challenging issue.

As communities and organizations pledge their support against racial and social inequity, at Inspiredu, our fight against inequality started 13 years ago right here in the Atlanta Community when we were formerly known as PowerMyLearning Atlanta. The way we confront inequity is through a two-generational approach to education and digital inclusion. We ensure that our young scholars and their caregivers, regardless of their circumstances, have access to internet-enabled devices, training, and support for a strong home learning environment.

Since our inception in 2007, we have served over 25,000 students, teachers and parents within the underserved community. We have had over 12,000 volunteer hours donated and distributed over 13,000 devices. Our commitment to making a direct impact on young scholars and their families through our boots-on-the-ground efforts remains unwavered.

While there is still so much more to be done, Inspiredu will continue to champion our cause to support meaningful and sustained change for equality.

A personal “Thank You” to our supporters, partners and friends for being a Champion against Social Inequity.

As I read through the lists of celebrities, companies and organizations pledging their support to fight racial and social inequity, I'm reminded of countless hours we’ve share together over the past 13 years making a direct impact to families here in our Metro Atlanta community.

You may not realize it but strengthening social mobility, breaking down social inequality and empowering communities of color are the results of the collective impact that you make alongside the staff of Inspiredu. With that said I’d like to extend a sincere and gracious THANK YOU for being Champions for social, education, and digital equity-for all.

I’ll leave you with the words from the Honorable John Lewis as we strive for a better tomorrow: "We’re all here to leave this little planet a little better than we found it."

Best Regards,

Richard Hicks - CEO, Inspiredu